Flying Blue Promo Rewards is a monthly promotion from Air France-KLM that offers up to 50% off select routes. The promo rewards are a great way to save on flying blue miles. However, there are a few ways in which you can maximize even the flying blue promo rewards.
Things to Know
You will find something interesting by looking at the routes eligible for flying blue promo rewards. The short-haul or medium-haul promo rewards are made available on specific routes. For Example, the Paris-Barcelona route is specific and will be available for economy cabins in 5,625 miles.
However, the long haul is what makes things interesting. The long-haul promo rewards are eligible for flights between any European city operated by Air France-KLM and eligible non-European cities. And our focus would only be on this.
So, you do not necessarily have to fly to Amsterdam or Paris to benefit from promo rewards. Even if you have to make a stop, it is better to call Flying Blue customer care to book the free stopover instead of booking separate flights.
For the Latest Awards, check here.
Europen Airports Operated by Air France-KLM
Europe is enormous, and it has a lot of countries. The Schengen area is part of Europe. So, you do not necessarily have to travel to Schengen countries to benefit from Flying Blue Promo Rewards.
Here are some of the non-schengen airports (Illustrative) that you can take benefit of flying blue Promo Rewards:
- London
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow
- Istanbul
- Larnaca
- Tirana
Maximizing Flying Blue Promo Rewards
Let’s take flying blue long-haul promo rewards and see how to get something out.

Long-Haul Flights
I told you you can travel to any European city with the non-European city in promo rewards. Now, let’s take some flights to London from these eligible cities. One of the easiest ways to do that is to use a calendar search between airports without mentioning any dates. For example, you can travel from Hong Kong to London in 18,750 using promo rewards and get the dates on which flights are available. However, the calendar search is not always accurate.

We also have Mauritius in this month flying blue promo rewards; if you wish to travel to Istanbul, it will still cost 18,750 miles.

Combining Long-Haul Flights
Is it possible to combine two long-haul flying blue promo awards flights? Yes, it is, but not always. However, a calendar search may not show it. To check this type of flight, click on the green-coloured miles.
This month, MRU and HKG will be part of the promo rewards. You can also book them separately, but combining flights is helpful when travelling between non-European cities.

Using Search Tools
You may want to save time, so it is better to use search tools showing Air-France-KLM flights, such as or similar tools.
Flying Blue Promo Rewards can be maximized even if you don’t want to travel to Amsterdam or Paris. There are few European cities to which you can travel on long-haul flights and sometimes between non-European cities.